The members of the ASCOT Faculty Association, Administration Association, Officers of the different Student Organizations, Scholars and other Stakeholders of the College convene for the conduct of the Consultative Meeting for the ASCOT Proposed Budget for Academic Year 2017 held today, March 04, 2016 at the ASCOT Covered Court, Zabali Campus, Baler, Aurora. Dr. Oscar C. Barawid, Vice President for Administration and Planning Officer gave the opening remarks while Dr. Doracie B. Zoleta-Nantes, in her message emphasized the importance of the conduct of such agency consultations to gather feedback, inputs, suggestions and recommendations for the program developments and projects of the agency.
Finance Team Attends Accounting Seminar
Keeping in step with the revision of the New Government Accounting System, the Aurora State College of Technology sent three heads of the College’s financial branch to attend the seminar on The Philippine Public Sector Accounting Standards (PPSAS) and The Revised Charts of Accounts (RCA) last Feb 3-7, 2014. Melita M. Amatorio (Budget Officer III/Finance Director), Rafaelito A. Minoza (Acting Accountant) and Cynthia D. Macose (Cashier III) convened with other State auditors, Cashier , Accountant Budget, officers and other finance personnel, in a seminar facilitated by heads from both Department of Budget and Management and Commission on Audit. The core of the seminar were the presentations and discussions about the Unified Accounts Code structure, Financial Instruments, The effects of Changes in Forex rates , Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. The event also provided new accounts for the adoption of the Philippine Public Sector Accounting Standards which were harmonized with the IPSAS to enhance the accountability and transparency of the financial reports, and ensure comparability of financial information. The topics underscored the steps and adjustments that the college (and other agencies) will be taking to harmonize with all the other government agencies in the country that will comply with an International Accounting Standard. In respond to Pres. Aquino’s “Tuwid na daan”, the college continues to show effort to improve and perform the mandated services to all its stakeholders and live to its word as an agent of transparency.