ASCOT Zabali Campus in Baler, Aurora brightens up with the installation of fifty (50) Stand-Alone Solar-Powered LED Street Lights strategically set within the area of the campus. The said project with an original Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) of ?5,823,860.70 should have actually been awarded to a winning lone bidder sometime in March 2020. continue reading : INSTALLATION OF STAND-ALONE SOLAR-POWERED LED STREET LIGHTS AT ASCOT ZABALI CAMPUS

Tilamsikan 2017

The country’s most awaited event in Performance Art kicked off last June 20, 2017. This five day event of Philippine International Performance Art Festival (PIPAF) named Tilamsikan 2017 started their Caravan in Santiago City, then to Echague, and then Quirino, then finally had their finale in Baler, Aurora. Aurora State College of Technology was very continue reading : Tilamsikan 2017

ASCOT Holds Ground Breaking Ceremony for the two Three-Storey Classroom and Office Building in ASCOT Bazal and Zabali Campuses

The Aurora State College of Technology community gathered last Friday, October 14, 2016 for the ceremonial ground breaking event and time capsule laying to begin the construction of the two three-storey classroom and office building in Bazal and Zabali Campuses. Hon. Roman Romulo together with his very compassionate wife, Ms. Shalani Soledad-Romulo, Vice Gov. Rommel continue reading : ASCOT Holds Ground Breaking Ceremony for the two Three-Storey Classroom and Office Building in ASCOT Bazal and Zabali Campuses

DTI recognizes ASCOT for its solid partnership

Sheryl F. Tecuico proudly represented Aurora State College of Technology to receive the DTI AWARD,recognition of partnership, from Secretary Ramon M. Lopez of the Department of Trade and Industry, last July 13,2016 in the “Negosyo, Konsyumer Atbp (NKAatbp)regional trade fair featuring quality products from Central Luzon, held at the Fontana Convention Center Gallery Area. The NKAtbp continue reading : DTI recognizes ASCOT for its solid partnership

Groundbreaking Ceremony Celebrates the Start of Construction for the ASCOT Graduate Studies Building

ASCOT held a ceremonial groundbreaking event and time capsule laying to begin the construction of the new ASCOT Graduate Studies Building on July 18, 2016. The new building which will rise beside the Forestry Building is intended to house the graduate students, faculty and staff. Dr. Doracie B. Zoleta-Nantes, College President together with the Guest continue reading : Groundbreaking Ceremony Celebrates the Start of Construction for the ASCOT Graduate Studies Building

CHED Grants P2.1M Funding for the Establishment of ASCOT SMART CLASSROOMS

The Aurora State College of Technology is a recipient of a financial grant from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in the amount of Php. 2, 100, 000.00 to finance the establishment of ASCOT SMART CLASSROOMS. This project was awarded by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to Aurora State College of Technology (ASCOT) through continue reading : CHED Grants P2.1M Funding for the Establishment of ASCOT SMART CLASSROOMS

ASCOT conducts Consultative Meeting of the Proposed Budget for AY 2017

The members of the ASCOT Faculty Association, Administration Association, Officers of the different Student Organizations, Scholars and other Stakeholders of the College convene for the conduct of the Consultative Meeting for the ASCOT Proposed Budget for Academic Year 2017 held today, March 04, 2016 at the ASCOT Covered Court, Zabali Campus, Baler, Aurora. Dr. Oscar continue reading : ASCOT conducts Consultative Meeting of the Proposed Budget for AY 2017

Strengthening Faculty Research Capacities, at its Inception

With its goal of delivering quality research outputs that will gear towards further development of Aurora Province, Aurora State College of Technology (ASCOT), initiated by the Office of the President, launched its research capacity enhancement for faculty members entitled “Comprehensive Introduction to Research Process and Plagiarism” on February 3, 2016 at the Audio-Visual Room, ICTC, continue reading : Strengthening Faculty Research Capacities, at its Inception