April 6, 2024- Aurora State College of Technology (ASCOT) initiated its revision workshop, focusing on the College Code, Organizational Structures, and Manual of Operations, at the ASCOT Accreditation Hall, Zabali Campus, Baler.

ASCOT key college officials headed by Pres. Renato G. Reyes; Vice President for Administration, Planning, and Finance, Engr. Oscar S. Barawid; VP for Academic Affairs, Ma Luz F. Cabatan, Ph.D.; including administrative and academic heads, participated in the first phase.

Key Highlights:
Attendees received an overview of the three-phase workshop, targeting policy analysis, revision drafting, and finalization.

A new vision, mission, goals, and objectives were presented, with attendees providing feedback for refinement.
The current ASCOT organizational structure was reviewed.

Group sessions allowed attendees to contribute input on proposed changes.

A plenary discussion ensured collaboration and the rationalization of ideas.

The orientation signifies a milestone in ASCOT’s pursuit of institutional enhancement. Further stakeholder engagement is anticipated as the revision progresses.
