May 7, 2024- In a bid to bolster cybercrime prevention efforts, ASCOT President Renato G. Reyes recently welcomed a delegation from the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) and the Cybercrime Investigation Coordinating Center (CICC). Led by Godfrey G. Gudoy, Head of the Information and Communications Technology Unit, and comprising a team of experts including Christian Salazar, Justerreene Pamaloan, Jan Cesar Valenton, Kiel Jan Peralta, Mark Navarro, and Frederico Dunuan from CICC, the visit aimed to share insights on the Anti-Cybercrime Upskilling Initiative for the Community.

The presence of representatives from DICT-Aurora: Engr. Ravenal De Jesus, Head, and Ms. Roma Herminigildo further enriched the discussion, underscoring the collaborative effort to combat cyber threats.

This visit signifies a significant step towards equipping ASCOT with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate the digital realm securely. As cyber threats continue to pose challenges globally, ASCOT’s proactive stance in embracing such initiatives underscores its commitment to safeguarding its community against potential cyber risks.