September 26, 2023- In the latest Episode 68: “Research on the Air”, we were introduced to ASCOT’s newest research projects—the Malunggay Products Development Project and the Establishment of Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management (IPTBM) through the RAISE Program. Gracing this episode were esteemed researcher-faculty members: Forester Maria Cristina B. Canada, Alking B. Gorospe, PhD, and our Science Research Assistant, Charles R. Velasco.

During the program, they discussed ASCOT’s ongoing Innovative Malunggay Product Development Project. This initiative, conceived during the pandemic, is aimed at ensuring food security. It involves producing 20,000 Malunggay seedlings, establishing temporary nurseries, acquiring essential machinery, and compensating the local community for their invaluable assistance in planting.

The project has expanded its reach to five municipalities in Aurora, meticulously identifying suitable areas for Malunggay farming. A standout success story has unfolded in Barangay Calabgan, Casiguran. The team is actively supporting the formation of the Malungay Farmers Organization, with plans underway to register it with DOLE and formalize an agreement. Gratitude has also been extended to the Moringaling Foundation for their support. Currently, the team is focused on developing various Malunggay products, including capsules, pellets, feeds, and powder, with ongoing product registration with the FDA.

On the other hand, Dr. Alking B. Gorospe introduced Project 1I: Establishment of Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management (IPTBM) in ASCOT through the RAISE Program, safeguarding ASCOT’s intellectual property. Numerous unpublished materials and intellectual property assets created by faculty and students are awaiting registration. Dr. Gorospe emphasized the missed opportunities if they remain unclaimed. ASCOT IPTBM aims to protect these valuable assets.

Importantly, these services are free for ASCOT community members, thanks to a dedicated budget allocation. This project is set to commence on October 1, 2023.

The episode also featured personal insights from experts, sharing their research journeys and challenges faced. The “Ating Alamin” segment celebrated National Teacher’s Month, paying tribute to educators from September 5 to October 5.
In conclusion, the guests provided valuable advice to aspiring researchers, extending a supportive hand to those entering the world of research.

You can re-watch this episode here:
Tune in for the next episode of ASCOT ‘To! live next, next Tuesday, 8:30-10:00 a.m., on 92.1 or via livestream on the ASCOT Official Facebook page for another exciting discussion!

#ascotto #research #malunggayproject