Several students residing at the ASCOT Zabali Ladies Dormitory and faculty members staying at the ASCOT Zabali Townhouses were stranded due to the Enhanced Community Quarantine (Luzon Lockdown) caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Likewise, some faculty members at ASCOT Casiguran Campus who are from outside Aurora Province have experienced the same.

ASCOT officials headed by the benevolent College President, Eutiquio L. Rotaquio, Jr., PhD, together with some directors shed some amount of money from their own pockets to be able to provide food packs and hygiene supplies to the stranded students and faculty members who come from different municipalities outside Central Aurora and from other provinces. This was undertaken by the concerned officials in order to at least ease off some fears and worries felt by both the students and the teachers who were deprived temporarily of being with their respective families especially in this trying times.

Despite difficulties encountered in the travel to ASCOT Casiguran Campus due to the risk and a number of check points along the way, the president did not hesitate to personally deliver and provide the food packs and hygiene supplies to the stranded faculty members. – Araceli Bitancor