We proudly celebrate the achievements of our graduates in the September 2024 Licensure Examination for Teachers!
Elementary Education First-Takers:
All 6 BEED graduates passed, achieving a 100% passing rate, far exceeding the national passing rate of 45.51%.
Secondary Education
56 New Secondary Let Passers
First Takers:
Out of 59 BSED graduates, 52 passed, marking an impressive 88.14% passing rate, surpassing the national passing of 56.88%.
Repeaters: 4 examinees passed with a passing rate of 25%
Institutional Rate
BEED: 100%
BSED: 74.67%
Your dedication truly paid off! Here’s to inspiring the next generation as proud ASCOT educators.
#ASCOTPride #TeacherPassers #September2024LET