ASCOT Leaders just got GADified. Students leaders, unit heads both from Academe and Administration enthusiastically attended the Training-Workshop on Integrating Gender Advocacy in Leadership last October 26-28, 2016. The event was organized by the GAD ASCOT Chapter, spearheaded by Ms. Dina DC Lim.
The timely training-workshop was filled with important topics such as Why GAD is important to our work, Productive, reproductive and community work, Men of women as agents of chance, and Gender discrimination across the life cycle and Rights of a child.
The specially designed activity aims to equip heads and leaders from both personnel and students with proper orientation with the concept and importance of gender development not only as a mandate but as part of their operations in their respective unit or department. The activity also aims to provide overview on the importance of GAD on work; to introduce the basic of GAD by emphasizing sex and gender roles; and to open Gender issues that may have a great contribution in the leading styles and approaches. GAD advocates Ms. Janet O. Saturno and Mr. Argel B. Masanda were the selected resource persons.
What made the event more interesting is the division of participants. The organizers divided them to three, consisting of members of Academe, Students and Administration. Every after activities, each group were allowed to throw their substantial opinions that filled the event with fun sharing and learnings. Some of the sub-topics that gathered fruitful and fun discussions are responsible parenthood, baseline concepts and scenarios that might motivate the participants and the importance of Gender advocacy in performing their daily tasks as well as in designing programs/activities for the effectiveness of their services and for the welfare of the clients they serve.
After the event, impressions where given by representatives from student leaders, unit heads and GFPS member. The event was concluded by the symbolic signing up in the covenant and commitment as gender advocates. All these steps were directed for the organizations to obtain gender mainstreaming in the college.
In compliance to a CHED memorandum that mandates the creation of GFPS in the HEIS the College came up with Office Order #22 s.2016 that created that GAD FOCAL POINT SYSTEM (GFPS). This is to ensure that all members must have undergone Gender Sensitivity trainings (GST) that will strengthen or capacitate them in supporting and implementing GAD programs in the college.