The COVID-19 pandemic that resulted to the implementation of the Enhanced Community Quarantine has indeed affected the cash-flow and earnings of a lot of government workers, not discounting the employees of Aurora State College of Technology. Because of this crisis, the ASCOT Faculty and Staff Multi-Purpose Cooperative (AFSMPC) who cares for its members has extended support to them in response to the government’s call for financing institutions, including cooperatives, to grant moratorium on all types of loans that members have availed prior to the implementation of the ECQ. The AFSMPC’s grant of a payment holiday or moratorium (for those without arrears) shall be in effect for two months – April and May 2020.
Moreover, during the Board of Directors’ meeting held on April 15, 2020, it was decided that the groceries will instead be converted to cash, and the dividend, both of which are supposed to be given during the General Assembly will be handed through the College Cashier on or before April 30, 2020. – Araceli Bitancor